Monday Mettā
Mettā: Loving friendliness, goodwill, and kindness directed both inward and outward.
I breathe in love and acceptance. I exhale peace and calm.
I encourage you to exhale what you’ve integrated on the inhale: love and acceptance comes in, peace and calm goes out to the world.
Keeping focused on the breath during a mettā meditation helps focus and integration. Repeat this breathing meditation at least three times.
So glad you’re here.
Intuitive Tarot Card Reading
Use your intuition to guide you to a specific card below. Choose the card with the crystal on it that calls to you. At the end of this newsletter, you’ll see the cards flipped over, with a reading for each one. The card that you choose here will have your reading for the week.
Card 1: Thulite Choose this card if you’re looking to be more extroverted this week.
Card 2: Orange Quartz Choose this card for a message about self-compassion.
Card 3: Jade Choose this card for a message on serenity.
Wait to scroll down to the bottom of the newsletter until you’ve chosen your card!
Since 2021, I have held a retreat on New Year’s Day. At the time (January 1, 2021) the world was still shut down. Many people were without family or loved ones during their winter holidays. An online retreat filled with yoga, meditation, creative journaling, tarot, and community (remember tea and smiles?!) seemed like a great idea.
This year, I’m also holding a retreat. One in which I withdraw, recede, come back to myself.
Because that’s what a retreat actually is, isn’t it? The act of moving back. Far different from signing up for three yoga classes and a meditation and a tarot reading all in one jam-packed day.
I love the idea of a spiritual, physical, or geographical retreat, don’t get me wrong. But they are often packed with things to do. An itinerary to follow. A list to check off.
This year, I will retreat in quiet and renew in peace.
Now is your time for retreat, or to re-something. Take a look at the list below. What will you consider over the next few weeks and months? In what ways will you come back to yourself? And, what “re” would you add?
Upcoming Workshops, Classes, and Ways to Connect
Find me at Miraval Berkshires: I teach weekly in-person workshops on how to read tarot and how to practice using your intuition at Miraval, Berkshires, as well as a weekly yin yoga class. I’d love to see you there! Respond to this email to learn more.
This winter, I’ll be teaching a 5-hour, virtual & live weekend workshop on intuitive clarity, connection, and practice. It’s called: Imaginal Goo. 🐛🦋 Dates to be announced soon!
You can visit my website for more info.
With Gratitude,
As part of my community, here are three beautiful ways you can support this newsletter:
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(Or, donate any amount below. Whatever you donate goes directly and completely to me.)
🌻Contact me for a Tarot or an intuitive reading or connect with me about learning yoga, meditation, or breathwork.
💌Forward this newsletter on to anyone who might want a little love! Ask them to subscribe! Tell them you love them!
Thank you thank you!
Much love and gratitude,
Rachel xo
PS! I make a great gift! Interested in gifting a private yoga, a tarot or an intuitive soul reading to a friend? Simply respond to this newsletter!
Your Tarot Reading, Revealed!
Card 1: Thulite // Three of Wands
Ah, the seeker! Seek out new experiences, friends, gatherings, or lands! If that all feels like too much, seek out a new book! Whatever you seek, do so with the open mind of expansion. Don’t judge or dismiss the new experience or person you’re with. Keep expansion in mind.
Card 2: Orange Quartz // Eight of Pentacles
You have been working hard! Steady, sometimes unforgiving work. But, notice the coin under the figure. It is complete, finished, and remains with them as a reward or investment. This card is reminding you to invest in yourself.
Card 3: Jade // The Moon
Have faith that you are on the right path, and though the path may be strange and winding at times, it is, in fact, your path. With that knowledge can come relief, and perhaps, serenity.
Rachel Barker's role as writer and intuitive is to facilitate the reader’s introspection, awareness, and reflection. Whether to make a particular choice or take a particular action is entirely the responsibility of the reader.
Yes to investing in oneself! Enjoy YOUR retreat. Happy Solstice! xo